Study shows many of us want to work from home

New Zealanders want more working from home days, internet study shows. File Photo.

New research from InternetNZ shows 52 per cent of New Zealanders, who can work at home using the Internet, want to do it more regularly.

The research, which canvases opinions on a range of Internet-related topics, has monitored habits of remote working since the pandemic.

It showed that three in five New Zealanders [61 per cent] do the type of work that allows them to work from home.

Over half wished they could work from home more.

Being required to work in the office by an employer for a certain number of days remains the most common barrier to people working from home more.

The research found that face-to-face meetings and employer attitudes to remote working were other common barriers.

InternetNZ CEO Vivien Maidaborn believes that the statistics confirm a post-pandemic shift.

"The Internet was the key to many businesses being able to operate during the pandemic through remote working.

"Unsurprisingly, many people who adjusted to working from home are reluctant to change back," she says.

"From an employment point of view, we’re just beginning to figure out how to design communications, health and safety, and productivity to make the most of what the internet offers."

The annual Internet Insights research encompasses a range of topics, including Internet use, concerns, online safety, and Artificial Intelligence.

Check out the findings of all the research on the InternetNZ website.

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