Things I’ve Learnt in Lockdown 5

Haven't worked out in years? Now's the time!

I'm not sure if it's the increase in chunky memes circulating social media or the fantastic amount of home baking we seem to be consuming, but suddenly it seems everyone in New Zealand is taking advice from Richard Simmons, 'Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthily. And number three, you've got to squeeze your buns. That's my formula.”

Great advice, Richard! Along with loads of free fitness apps getting attention lately, fitness big-shot Les Mills has decided to get into the Kiwi spirit by streaming free workouts each morning at 9am.

The kids and I aren't morning people at the best of times, so we have been walking our block each afternoon (well, it started as a hobble up the driveway and back) and I can see others have the same idea. I don't think I've ever seen so many people out walking with their families, perhaps because they'd usually be working out alone at the gym, or working until it's dark outside.

There are things that happen in the midst of crises that we should really be thankful for and as I walked along holding my daughter's hand, on a slight angle and still in a little pain, I couldn't help but feel thankful that I live in a country where it's safe to walk down the street.

As my daughter and I passed others (following adequate social distancing protocol) there were smiles and hellos. Mothers carrying toddlers, dads pushing prams, teenagers tripping over their siblings because they're still on their phones. They all seemed happy and relaxed.

On our walk the other night we ran into a local cop who stopped and had a bit of a chat with us. We talked a bit about the importance of staying active during this lockdown, of having some time out from your bubble in a safe way, especially given the increase in family harm incidents.

Research shows that as well as increasing your heart rate and pumping more oxygen to your brain allowing you to think more clearly, exercise also helps to release lots of feel-good hormones. So if you've been struggling with feeling a little stressed, if things in your bubble are getting a bit heated, maybe you should try heading out for a walk. Ask yourself, what would Richard say? 'Hey girl, I believe in you!”



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